Here is another “proof” legal issue question and response from the accident lawyer from Boca Raton (injury lawyer Delray Beach, accident attorney Fort Lauderdale, injury attorney Lake Park, accident lawyer Cooper City).
Usually, after someone slips and fall or trips and fall, the injured person is not able to take pictures of the hazardous condition that caused the fall (leaking ceiling, soda on floor, uneven sidewalk, etc.). However, to the extent that an injured person is able to take pictures, this may prove critical to proving the case. Even if you send a friend or family member back to the business establishment the same day or next day, this information may be helpful in proving a case. Thus, it is a great idea to get a picture of the hazardous condition that caused you to fall after you fall, if you have the wherewithal to do so. Otherwise, it certainly could not hurt to send a friend or family member back to the premises to take a picture of the condition later, although whether the pictures taken later will be admissible in court is not so clear.
Many business establishments, particularly larger supermarkets and national retails, have video cameras in their locations and many of the times, the video captures the fall and captures the hazardous condition but sometimes the location where you are injured may not have video or the video is oscillating and may not capture certain aspects of the case.
Thus, if you are able to take pictures of the condition that caused your fall, it is important to do so quickly and as close in proximity to the fall as possible.
At Drucker Law Offices, we offer a free consultation for accidents, whether they are car accidents or slip and fall/trip and fall cases. Please feel free to call us at 561-483-9199 (Palm Beach – principal office Boca Raton); 954-755-2120 (Broward County – Coral Springs satellite office); or 305-981-1561 (Dade County – Miami satellite office).
Every case is unique and should be judged based on the specific facts of the case. The advice in this blog is intended to be general and should not to be construed as specific advice for a case or your case. A minor difference in the facts of the case in a fact pattern such as above could change the result. Also, this blog is, as the web site suggests, based on Florida law and the laws of any other states could vary from Florida.