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In Florida, Can I Use My Health Insurance for The Medical Providers when I Am Involved in Injury Accident Case (slip and Fall, Trip and Fall, Etc.)? Do I Have to Repay the Health Insurance if I Recover Money for My Injuries in A Florida Injury Accident (slip and Fall, Trip and Fall, Etc.) when Some of The Bills Are Paid Through Health Insurance?

Generally, the answer is yes, you can use your health insurance for a slip and fall/trip and fall type of accident. Usually, there is no other insurance to pay the medical bills, except for the liability coverage of the property where you were hurt and that insurance will generally NOT pay the bills as they come in and will only pay a lump sum settlement, including the medical bills, at the end of the case or pursuant to an injury judgment after court/trial. Thus, health insurance should generally pay any medical bills related to a non-automobile accident (see prior post on using health insurance is car accidents in Florida) just as it would had you not had the accident (deductibles, copays and the like would apply the same as well).

Interestingly, in most instances health insurance is entitled to be repaid WHEN THE INJURED PERSON RECOVERS MONEY FROM THE AT FAULT PARTY. This is called subrogation and the language is that the health insurance has a “lien.” Subrogation is proper when required by statute (medicare and medicaid generally have subrogation provisions by contract) or contract (most health contracts contain a subrogation provision). If you do not recover money, then you do not have to repay health insurance.

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