Generally, bodily injury coverage is insurance coverage that indemnifies the insured against a judgment for bodily injury. Said another way and in the car insurance context, bodily injury coverage protects the person who purchases it by paying someone else for the injuries sustained in a car accident caused by the person that purchased the coverage. When you purchase car insurance with bodily injury coverage, you are protecting yourself in that if someone makes a claim against you or sues you for an accident during the policy period, then your bodily injury coverage pays the other side for their injuries (up to your coverage limits) and also pays any defense costs associated with such case (in other words, the insurance company hires a lawyer to defend you in court if the case cannot be resolved amicably). From the perspective of someone who is injured in an accident, they would want to see the bodily injury coverage of the car that was at fault in the accident. That policy protects the at-fault driver from suit by paying the injured person for their injuries. Obviously, when you are in an accident, you do not have control over what insurance the other car purchased. This is where it is important to have uninsured also known as underinsured motorist coverage, which can protect you. Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage are discussed in other blog entries on this site.
If you have been in a car accident, please call Drucker Law Offices at 561-483-9199 (Boca Raton Main office) or 954-755-2120 (Coral Springs satellite office) or 305-981-1561 (Miami satellite office) for a free consultation. We only charge fees and costs if we recover money for you.
Of course, every case is unique and has to be judged based on the specific facts of the case. The advice in this blog is intended to be general in nature and should not to be construed as specific advice for a case, as a slight difference in the facts could ultimately change the result. Also, this blog is, as the web site suggests, based on Florida law and the laws of any other states or another country could vary significantly from Florida.